Steam Machines in Wineries

The use of steam machines in wineries is a practice that is becoming increasingly widespread and appreciated for its efficiency and sustainability. Thanks to its thermal and penetrating properties, steam proves to be a valuable tool for cleaning, sanitizing, and maintaining various equipment and environments found in a winery.

Why use steam?

  • Effective cleaning: High-temperature steam can effectively dissolve and remove dirt, organic residues, and scale, even in hard-to-reach areas.
  • Deep sanitization: It eliminates bacteria, yeasts, and molds, ensuring a sterile environment essential for producing quality wine.
  • Environmental respect: It drastically reduces the use of chemical detergents, limiting environmental impact and preserving the quality of the final product.
  • Versatility: It adapts to various surfaces and equipment, from wooden barrels to stainless steel tanks, as well as floors and walls.

Specific applications of steam in wineries

  • Cleaning of barrels and barriques: Steam penetrates deep into the wood, removing wine residues and preventing the formation of molds and bacteria that could alter the flavor of the subsequent wine.
  • Sanitization of tanks: It ensures perfect hygiene of tanks, avoiding contaminations that could compromise fermentation and wine storage.
  • Cleaning of equipment: Pumps, filters, pipes, and other equipment are thoroughly sanitized, ensuring optimal operation and uninterrupted production.
  • Sanitization of environments: Floors, walls, and ceilings are treated with steam to create a clean and healthy environment, limiting the proliferation of microorganisms.

Advantages of using steam

  • Time and labor savings: Steam cleaning is quick and efficient, reducing processing times and the need for manual interventions.
  • Increased safety: The absence of chemical detergents makes the process safer for operators and the environment.
  • Increased equipment life: Thorough and regular cleaning with steam extends the life of equipment, reducing maintenance costs.
  • Improved product quality: A clean and sanitized environment ensures the production of high-quality wine, preserving its organoleptic characteristics.

Conclusion The use of steam machines in wineries is a strategic choice for those who want to guarantee the highest hygiene and quality of their product. The versatility, effectiveness, and sustainability of this technology make it an indispensable tool for modern wineries.



Chiudi filtri/Close filters
Portata acqua in pressione/Pressurized water flow
Fissa/mobile - fixed/mobile
Serbatoio d'acqua/Water tank
Portata vapore/Steam flow
Potenza caldaie idropulitrice/Pressure washer boiler power
Riscaldamento acqua/Water heating
Tipo vapore/Steam type
Potenza caldaie vapore/Steam boiler power