The S.W.S. Method®

Soft Wash System

IdroEletrika s.r.l. is a company whose members have been in the cleaning business for more than 40 years.

Our products are highly valued in the field of conservative restoration; our revolutionary S.W.S. (soft wash system) method is successful in situations where delicacy and precision and low water consumption are key components of the work required.

In fact, the S.W.S. method is highly appreciated by professionals and local authorities.

More Effective Than a Pressure Washer, Softer Than a Brush

IDRETA uses the S.W.S. method and it is NOT a pressure washer! It is an instant hot or cold micro-nebulizer that is designed and custom-built exclusively for the field of conservative restoration and similar jobs.

Bassa-Bassissima Portata

low/very low flow rate

The low/very low flow rate of micro-nebulized water allows for micro-cleaning without the worry of damage, as “LOW/LOWEST NEBULIZED FLOW RATE” means being able to work on delicate surfaces without smearing and with great precision, and having sufficient incisiveness using only the minimum amount of water needed to avoid efflorescence and internal infiltration.

icona pressione regolabile

adjustable PRESSure

The combination of adjustable pressure with a very low water flow rate makes the mist jet effective in removing dirt and debris and successfully cleans porous surfaces without eroding or removing material being cleaned.


Due to the action of the heat generated on the surfaces, the hot nebulized jet has both a sanitizing and antibacterial action and a function of softening the patina of residue, any animal droppings present, and more.

restauro graffiti

hot water

cold water

100% electric system

reduction of working time

very low water flow rate

patented electric boiler

icona pressione regolabile

adjustable pressure

tenere idreta con una sola mano



Our instantaneous micro-nebulization machines are fully electric, very small in size and very easy to handle for use on scaffolding and narrow/angled places.

The S.W.S. method provides a very considerable time savings compared to traditional cleaning operations, which also results in considerable cost savings.

IdroEletrika has an expedited service department that enables it to act promptly on any machine breakdowns with repairs or replacements.


Instant Micro-Nebulizer with hot or cold water

IDRETA” is the result of painstaking work by IdroEletrika in trying to revolutionize the aspect of cleaning, treatment and preservation of old and restoration materials.

Thanks to the S.W.S.® (soft wash system) method, the jet sprayed by IDRETA succeeds in removing “biological” dirt and deeply cleanses porous surfaces without ruining them.


Restorer: “At first I was skeptical because it reminded me of a pressure washer and I was afraid of doing damage, but after the first use I had to reconsider positively given the effectiveness and how much faster and easier it is now to work. Thank you IdroEletrika!”


Superintendent: “Upon receiving IDRETA’s informational letter, we arrived at the site for an inspection and were pleasantly surprised at the delicacy and efficiency of this micro-nebulizer in the cleaning process compared with the traditional methods.”



Get more information or a Free Consultation by filling out the form, or contact our expert Jeffrey at the following addresses.

+39 045 7731757

Via Genova 9, 37024 Negrar di Valpolicella – Verona

Chiudi filtri/Close filters
Portata acqua in pressione/Pressurized water flow
Fissa/mobile - fixed/mobile
Serbatoio d'acqua/Water tank
Portata vapore/Steam flow
Potenza caldaie idropulitrice/Pressure washer boiler power
Riscaldamento acqua/Water heating
Tipo vapore/Steam type
Potenza caldaie vapore/Steam boiler power