NET ZERO | What is it? Why is it important?

NET ZERO | What is it? Why is it important?

THE ROAD TO “NET ZERO” THE BASICS OF BALANCING BUSINESS SUCCESS WITH ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITY: NET ZERO GOALS WHY NET ZERO? Climate change is the most pressing issue of our time. The effects of global warming are devastating, and European companies are...
CASE STUDY | Cleaning and Sanitizing of Wooden Barrels

CASE STUDY | Cleaning and Sanitizing of Wooden Barrels

CLEANING AND SANITATION OF WOODEN BARRELS WITH STEAM TEST TO VERIFY THE EFFICIENCY IN SANITIZING OF WOODEN BARRELS OVERVIEW The use of barrels and wooden casks in the aging process of wine is very common. One of the problems is the limited number of times that it is...
Chiudi filtri/Close filters
Portata acqua in pressione/Pressurized water flow
Fissa/mobile - fixed/mobile
Serbatoio d'acqua/Water tank
Portata vapore/Steam flow
Potenza caldaie idropulitrice/Pressure washer boiler power
Riscaldamento acqua/Water heating
Tipo vapore/Steam type
Potenza caldaie vapore/Steam boiler power